
Juju declares ‘economic war’

ANCYL president Julius Malema declared an “economic war” against the “white minority” in Scwetla informal settlement on Saturday.
“This is war, and we should fight moving forward. There will be casualties, but I know that we are going to win,” he said.  Read further…

1 Response to “Juju declares ‘economic war’”

  1. September 11, 2011 at 9:54 am

    We have posted the latest details of the murders and attacks – and black hatespeech incidents against whites – as logged from Aug 1 to Sept 11 2011 on http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2011/09/whites-attacked-aug-1-to-sept-11-2011.html . These are just a few of the known incidents. Many are never reported to the news media – for instance the horrific hatespeech by a twelve-year-old black pupil at Lewisham primary school against his Natural Science teacher Leon Coetzee (as detailed on the above link). Feel free to lift any of these articles and post them here – of course always adding the URL links and photos as much as possible.

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